Chapter 33: It can't possibly be neither poison nor medicine

So, what happened to Shou and Falco after that?

By the third day, they had departed for the Northern Forest. Shou took care of the four hunters, met her slime and herb collection quotas, saved money diligently, and even had the transporters bring her snacks—sometimes even the High Priest.

Spring came, and at the next Star-Welcoming Festival, Cain graduated from the junior hunting group.

The following year, Aura graduated. At thirteen, Shou finally moved into her own room, much to Falco’s distress. He made a huge fuss but ultimately obeyed after getting scolded by Gina.

That same autumn, Dred returned with a message from Haru. Together with Falco, Leon, Dred, and Lyla, Shou ventured to the Lakes to rescue Haru. Haru had been forcibly subjected to experiments in exchange for protection and was completely exhausted.

The moment Leon saw the weakened black-haired girl, he fell in love at first sight. A love with a seventy-year age gap. Shou welcomed it wholeheartedly—after all, if people got used to seeing a seventy-year gap, then surely Falco wouldn’t think a forty-year gap was such a big deal.

Haru turned fourteen, then fifteen, and graduated from the junior hunting group. During her apprenticeship, she formed a party with Falco and Leon, training under them. With her immense magical power, she became the strongest magician, while Shou, already known for her healing magic, earned a reputation for healing both body and soul. Together with the two strongest hunters, they made an unstoppable team.

Falco, the Black Wolf, was soon joined by Leon, who became known as the Golden Wolf. When the small magician and healer were added to the group, they were called many things—The Golden Wolf and His Black Wolves, The Hunters with the Little Wolves, and so on. But in the end, it was Gaius’ name for them that stuck.

“The Black Wolves Led by the Golden Wolf.”

A long title, but one that remained. Eventually, they were simply known as The Golden Wolf’s Company or Those Black Ones.

“Haru, let’s go!”

“Wait for me, Shou!”

The gentle magician was a little slow. Shou liked that about her. Leon, on the other hand, was probably melting with affection. Yet Haru, slow in every way, still hadn’t realized his feelings.

And Shou and Falco? Shou’s determination remained steadfast, but Falco still found her unbearably adorable, and Shou remained ever patient with him.

But he no longer lifted her up.

At some point, Falco had started looking at her with a dazed expression, and their gazes met more often now.

They both understood—

The next time he lifted her, it would mean their relationship had changed.

So for now, they cherished this gentle time a little longer.

On the day Shou and Haru reached adulthood, The Black Wolves Led by the Golden Wolf prepared to set off for the Plains.

For years, the Plains had been producing high-quality crops, amassing wealth, and growing increasingly dominant over the other three territories. Tensions simmered. The cause of it all was the reincarnated man there. If he was happy, then it wasn’t their concern—this was a matter between nations.

But if he was suffering, like Haru had been…

Then they would bring him to Deep Forest.

Hey, Goddess.

You brought us here, saying we were neither poison nor medicine.

Do you regret it now?

Because in the end, I became medicine, and Haru’s knowledge became poison. That man was supposed to be medicine, too, but the people around him turned his achievements into poison.

Even so, we love this world and its people.

We won’t let ourselves be swayed by justice or desire.

To keep that balance, Haru and I are setting off on this journey.

With those kind people by our side.

T/N: This marks the end of Book 1! 🎉 Thank you for reading this far! From the next update, we will begin Book 2, starting with Chapter 1 of Shou and Haru’s Arc. If numbering follows volumes, the next chapter will be labeled v2C1 (Volume 2, Chapter 1) rather than C34. Hope you continue enjoying the journey! 🚀