Chapter 32:The Pain of Happiness

From that day on, Lyla started following Dred everywhere.

For some reason, she found great amusement in joining the junior hunting group, even hunting slimes alongside them. She got along particularly well with Cain, who always spoke his mind. Every so often, she would ask:

“Hey, what’s that kid thinking about right now?”

“Shou, what are you thinking about?”

Shou always answered patiently.

“I’m wondering if we should switch to sword training since I’m getting a little bored of hunting slimes, but everyone else isn’t done yet, so I’m debating whether to wait.”

“The sky is so blue.”

“The sky is blue…” Lyla repeated.

“It’s not something I need to say, but it’s what I’m thinking.”

“…I see.”

And so it went. At home, she watched Falco next. He looked incredibly uncomfortable.

One day, Dred suddenly asked:

“Shou, don’t you ever get tired of working so much?”

You two are the reason I’m so busy right now.

“You know, before coming here, I was even busier. I worked late into the night, got exhausted, and didn’t even have time to cook. Compared to that, every day here is so much fun.”

Most of the people on that train had probably been the same—overworked and exhausted. Har… Shou thought. It’s probably short for Haruna or Harumi.

“Har is at the Magic Academy, not even made to do chores or work, just spending time studying.”

Studying, huh? That sounds nice, too.

“If Har is comfortable, then I’m glad.”

Dred sighed.

“If you ever see Har, and they seem unhappy, tell them this: ‘Shou is waiting in Deep Forest, anytime. Let’s take it easy together. But you’ll have to hunt slimes.’”

“I’ll tell them.”

Finally, three days before they were set to leave for the Northern Forest, the two travelers prepared for their departure. About time.

Surprisingly, many people came to see them off. After all, they had spent a lot of time with the junior hunting group.

“Goodbye, Falco, Leon, Shou. Thank you for everything.”

“It was a meaningful stay. I’ll return.”

He’s coming back?! Falco and Leon exchanged bitter smiles. Just as they were about to board the carriage—


Lyla turned back to face him.


“I wanted to have you. I took you on my travels because I wanted to be with you. Your father told me to leave you behind, but I saw your potential as a hunter early on. I didn’t want to leave you in the plains.”

Falco was stunned into silence. Lyla continued.

“Every day was fun. And you became an outstanding hunter. So much so that there was nothing left for me to teach you.”

“So that’s why… That’s why you left me?”


“I didn’t want to be left behind. I wanted to stay with you!”

“…I didn’t know. I never understood.”

Lyla’s face was a mix of a smile and something that looked close to tears. Falco clenched his fists. Why now? Why bring this up now?

“I don’t regret it. But I wanted to say this.”


“Falco, as a fellow hunter, I’m proud of you.”

With that, she climbed into the carriage.

“She’s so selfish. Lyla always says whatever she wants.”

At some point, Gina had joined them. The carriage started moving. Then, from the window—

“Falco, I love you!”

And the carriage rolled away.

“Seriously, she’s such a selfish woman.” Gina muttered again.

Yeah… Shou thought. So selfish, it makes me want to cry.

One by one, the people seeing them off patted Falco on the shoulder or back before leaving. The junior hunters slapped his thigh instead. Last of all, Leon gave a nod before walking away.

Shou gently took Falco’s tightly clenched hand in hers.



Falco placed his hand over his chest.

“It hurts here. The same place that feels full when we eat snacks together. It feels like it’s being squeezed. Am I sick?”

“It’s too full.”


“The place that usually fills just the right amount—there’s too much happiness, and now it’s overflowing.”

“Isn’t happiness supposed to be a good thing?”

“It is. But too much of it can hurt.”

“What should I do?”

Good grief. The carriage had only just left. Shou led Falco to a quiet bench in the waiting area.

“Sit down.”

“Like this?”


Then, Shou carefully climbed onto his lap.

“Now, hold me tight.”

“Is that okay?”


Falco looked both pained and relieved as he held her close. With her face pressed against his chest, Shou spoke.

“Now, say ‘Mom.’”

“You mean Lyla? She told me not to call her that anymore.”

“She’s not here. Just say it.”

Reluctantly, Falco whispered.





“Mom. Mom. Mom! Mom!”

Falco squeezed Shou even tighter. The only way to release an excess of happiness was to let it out. Since this gentle man didn’t even know how to cry, Shou had to teach him. She patted his back in a steady rhythm.

His tears dampened her shoulder. She didn’t stop until he was done.

“Does it still hurt?”

“…No. Not anymore.”

“Does it feel empty now?”

“…No, it’s still full.”

“I see.”

Now Falco patted Shou’s back gently in return. When she moved to lift her head, he quickly wiped his face with his sleeve.

Ah… I lost.

Despite everything, Shou realized—she loved Falco. Even though she was still just eleven, her heart was already that of an adult. How could she not love someone so endearing? She had planned to leave once she became an adult, but now…

“Let’s go home.”

“Yeah, we need to prepare for the Northern Forest.”

“Let’s stop by the bakery first.”


“You might need more ‘soul nourishment.’”

“You just want sweets.”

“…No, I don’t.”

And so, Shou silently vowed. Right now, you only think of me as cute. But someday, I’ll change that. And then, you’ll always be so full of happiness that it hurts.

Falco, oblivious to her thoughts, clutched his chest. Shou always fills my heart with something.

“Let’s go.”

Shou held out her hand. Falco took it.

“Leon’s probably waiting.”


Maybe one day, I’ll be able to say it too.

Unaware of Shou’s resolution, Falco gazed up at the blue sky. At least those two won’t be back for a while.