Chapter 15: What It Means to Have a Hometown
Leon quickly caught up with Falco and Shou as they walked along, bickering lightly.
"Falco, Shou!"
"Good morning, Leon!"
"It’s not good morning! Gaius’ knee is completely healed!"
"Oh? Ah… I forgot."
Right. The Sage had told her not to use that ability carelessly for a while.
"You were too busy being excited about your pouch."
"I couldn't help it! And everyone laughed way too much!"
"Well, we’ve all seen pouches since we were little. Your hometown must have been really different."
"Hmm… I guess so?"
With that, the three of them headed to the church.
"Sage! Oh no, no hugs today."
Even with his sad expression, no was no.
At the church, Shou received an explanation about her healing training. Healers wore a yellow sash or belt to signify that they were available for healing at any time. Anyone could request healing for free, especially from young healers, as it was encouraged for them to gain experience.
"But won’t that be a problem if there’s no compensation?"
"We don’t take payment at the moment of healing. Instead, both those who receive healing and others in the community make donations to the church. Those donations go towards the church’s operations, sending healers where they’re needed, and also provide a salary for healers. Even apprentices like you, Shou, will receive a monthly wage."
So it was like an ambulance—anyone could use it, but people were expected to respect the system. Even reckless people still made way for ambulances.
"And harming or mistreating a healer is strictly forbidden. There are no official penalties, but the entire community watches. That’s why healers are respected, supported, and receive a decent income. In return, they are expected to dedicate themselves to healing. They can also have side jobs, like hunting. In reality, with potions available, healers aren’t constantly busy."
"Yeah, well, Shou already made a scene at the Hunters’ Guild."
"Leon, what do you mean?"
"She went ahead and healed Gaius’ knee."
"The hero’s injury? Well… that’s a good thing, but…"
"I made sure to tell him to keep quiet."
"Even so, what was Gaius thinking, making an unbadged child do something like that? I’ll have to lecture him. Shou too."
"Yes, I’m sorry."
"As long as you understand."
And so, Shou’s new daily routine was set:
- Wake up and train swordsmanship with Falco.
- Help Gina with breakfast.
- See Falco off, then spend the morning with the younger apprentices.
- Lunch, followed by a bit of studying.
- Healing training and practice at the church.
- Help at Gina’s inn until Falco returned.
The younger apprentices were kids aged 10 to 14 who were training under the guilds. In the mornings, they gathered to do tasks like picking herbs and hunting slimes, mainly to keep them occupied while their parents worked. They met at the church, then spread out across town for their tasks. At the church, they were drilled in reading, writing, and arithmetic. If they wanted to study more, they would be sent to the Marshland for schooling.
From 15 to 19, they would begin proper apprenticeship training in various guilds.
Since people in this country had long lifespans, they didn’t necessarily live with the same family their entire lives. That’s why this ten-year period from 10 to 19 was so important—it was when children were expected to become part of the community. No matter where they traveled afterward, they would always have a place to return to.
Even hunters, who often traveled far and wide, usually stayed in one place during the ten years they raised their children, allowing them to establish a strong connection with their home.
"So, Shou, don’t worry. Let’s spend some time here so that this town can become your home."
That evening at dinner, Falco said this to Shou.
"Because this is your hometown too, right, Falco?"
"My hometown… I wonder where that really is."
Falco’s face darkened slightly.
"What are you saying, idiot? Of course, this is your hometown!"
"Yeah… I guess so. Gaius and Leon really took care of me. And the Sage too."
"Don’t forget me! Honestly, Falco was such a reckless kid. Shou, do you want to hear about it?"
"I do!"
"Wait, wait! Gina, give me a break!"
"Fine, fine. Shou, I’ll tell you later."
In truth, Shou didn’t really plan on asking. She wouldn’t mind hearing stories about Falco’s mischievous childhood, but if it was painful for him, she wouldn’t pry. There was no need to dig into the past.
Tomorrow, Falco would start working again, and Shou would begin her new, busy routine.
For now, it was time to rest properly—warm up in the bath, feel cozy, and drift off to sleep.